Hello, I use Wordpress 2.8.6 and amember 3.1.8. I use Wordpress like a traditional website , no comments, and without amember plugin. I protected a file where the training video are, but when I put the original url (www.mywebsite.com/archives/000) I can see the video without login? Could we give me a way, or what I missed? Sincerely Enzo
Did you use amember "protect folder" for the directory? I suggest using new rewrite protection. David
hello David, Yes I use "protect folder" for the directory with the rewrite protection. Permalink in WP is active, should I swich off this option, I tryed without permalink and I got the same problem. More over I wrote the direct url in the protected area product page, but when I launch browser on another laptop, i can see the video ? Thank you for your help Enzo