I need help Understanding Affiliate Commissions and payouts

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by aknetwork, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. aknetwork

    aknetwork Member

    Jul 30, 2010

    With Amember V3.0, I could go to Affiliate Program > Review/Pay Affiliate Commissions and then select the specific month I want to pay.

    With V.4 I don't understand how can I see all affiliate sales by month and I don't know how to generate the mass payment file for paypal (for that specific month I want)

    I pay some trusted affiliates the same month they generate the sale and I pay new affiliate (and not very trusted affiliates ) after 60 days (and in some cases, I leave one commission "pending" for all new affiliates, "just in case"....)

    I want to know how can I review the commissions by month and generate the mass payment paypal file only to those affiliates I select.

    I tried clicking on "generage payout manually" but nothing happened. It just said "Payout generated" but I dont know where is the file or whatever.

    PLease help.

  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    aMember will generate payouts for all affiliates.
    It will include all commissions for affiliate to THRESHOLD date. This date is calculated as TODAY - "Delay Payout (days) configured at aMember Cp -> Setup -> Affiliates".

    To generate payout, go to aMember Cp -> Affiliates -> Review/Pay Affiliate Commission. Click "Generate Payout Manually" button. It will create a new payout record in table.
    You may click to first button right of the payout record, and look at customers payout values.
    If you click to second button right of the payout record, you will be asked to download CSV file with payout information. For PayPal payouts, it will be "Mass Payout" file you may upload to PayPal .

    Customer commissions may be reviewed individually at aMember Cp -> Browse Users -> edit user -> "Affiliate Info" tab.
  3. kenada

    kenada New Member

    Mar 24, 2008

    You instructions above are of little help, actually useless. I have to say this affiliate interface is pretty bad. I need to easily see how much my affiliates earned and be able to pay them easily. I like many of the new features of v.4 but this affiliate stuff is hard to understand and get the info I need. Please help, I am having the same problem as the person who started this thread.

  4. kenada

    kenada New Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    I Just figured out that the delay needed to be set to 1 day for me to see any of the commissions or make affiliate payments.
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    We are open to suggestions about Affiliate interface. Can you explain what info do you need from it(but can't get now), and how it should look like?
  6. aseba

    aseba New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    My suggestion for improvement is to make sure we can specify the dates for the payout report as we always have. We could go in and say pay commissions from the 1st - 31st or we could do the 15-30th or whatever we wanted. The threshold and delay settings seem lovely, but not practical.

    As it stands now, we made a mistake on our payout file and it has generated a payout file for 15 more days than we wanted....and we have no way to fix it.
  7. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Ok. Thanks for the suggestion!
  8. aseba

    aseba New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Alex, is there a way to delete the old payout file and generate a new one with our correct dates? (My note about the error we made is above)
  9. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Currently you can do this through your hosting CP -> phpMyAdmin

    Contact us in helpdesk and explain what should be deleted exactly, we will help with this.

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