Hi, I want aff to be paid on auto by clickbank. I don't see that option in amember. Some JV partners will not do a deal with paypal or others they want clickbank. Anybody is using easyclikmate software which tracks aff with amember. I know amemeber has it's own aff tracking but when I checked aff section I see paypal, check and so on. Is there a way to bring clickbank as aff processor? Or how to integrate that aff software so people buy with amember but aff get paid by clickbank. I'm new so I'm missing lots of things but want to move forward. Thanks Mike
Mike, affiliate tracking can work with aMember and ClickBank. You have to setup it the following way - ClickBank affiliate link redirects customer to your website where user can read about your offers then go to aMember signup page for order. It will work without any problems and it is handled by ClickBank.
what happens if amember affiliate tracking is on? If an affiliate that is using the built in amember affiliate link instead of clickbank hoplink sends someone to the same page - is there referrall still tracked from within amember. Can you have both clickbank affiliates and amember affiliates at the same time promoting the same page?
Yes, it is possible, but clickbank affiliates will use ClickBank links, and aMember affiliates will use aMember affiliate links.