If I delete a user from the database, will their payment records be deleted as well?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by 121951, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. 121951

    121951 New Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    We have approximately 70,000 user accounts in our database, and about 90% are no longer active or in use.
    However when we started accumulating these accounts, we were experimenting with ways to garner email addresses.

    Now that we are a little more knowledgable, we want to purge every single user that no longer has an active account with us, but keep the users that are still active. A fresh start so to speak.

    However, we still want to keep any old payment records from old, no-longer-active users.

    Is it possible to delete all non-active users from our database, but still keep their old payment records? We want to keep their payment records for growth research purposes in the future.

    Or will we need to keep all these non-active users just for the sake of keeping their payment records?

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you

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