I am importing 1500+ users from my vBulletin forum into aMember. I've come up with a solution for the password problem. Now I'm not sure how to deal with the fact that many vBulletin usernames use upper & lower-case letters. For example: JamesAB vBulletin let's you create a membership with both upper & lower-case characters, but the login proccess seems to ignore the case of the letters in the username. Should I import my list of usernames "as is"? Should I import my list of usernames converted to all lower-case characters? If I import it "as is", it seems like there could be confusion, because aMember would think "Joe" and "joe" are two different usernames. If i convert all the usernames to lowercase before importing them, then I would need to tell users not to use upper-case letters when logging in. Or better yet, would it be advisable to change the aMember login to automatically convert whatever people enter as a username to lower-case letters before it compares the username to all the usernames in the aMember database? I'm curious how other people have handled this. I would like to know if anyone has any ideas or suggestions. Thanks, James