I have a pre-sales question, we are wanting to implement this solution for a client but they are currently using another type of solution. My question is, is it possible that we could map the existing data from the other solution and import it into this solution? Is there an import / export functionality built in? Thanks, Cotton Rohrscheib, Partner Powersite / Pleth Networks, LLC http://www.pleth.com http://www.powersitedesign.com http://www.cottonrohrscheib.com/blog
Thanks... Awesome, thanks. I just contacted the IT person w/ the other solution and as soon as I have everything I need from them I will get it all mapped out and imported in. Thanks for your help, Cotton Rohrscheib, Partner Powersite / Pleth Networks, LLC http://www.pleth.com http://www.powersitedesign.com http://www.cottonrohrscheib.com/blog