We have an Amember database with 1700+ subscribed users with 2 products the users can subscribe to. In the new installation I tried to export CVS file and import it in new installation. When I exported the file, I made sure to to select all the fields and for Multiple Subscriptions field I selected Output additional rows.. I click rebuilt database but the payments history and the products the users are subscribed to, are not being transferred. I assumed that is something when I import and select Product/Subscription type name for the field Subscription Type* , but I tried with back-up / restore database and is happening the same. Is that information being stored in other tables and I need to include the complete old database, using PhpMyAdmin? Any ideas?
Ideally, yes, move the whole database via phpMyAdmin... as if you don't move the product data the users might not map properly to your new products.
Thanks for response. I will do that, however I made sure the products have exactly the same id and name.
aMember will not import more then one product at aMember CP -> Setup -> Import So you have to import database via phpMyAdmin