Thank you for your help, first of all. I'm setting up an Incremental Content Delivery to sell a three-day course (one lesson per day: it is just a test for major courses). I protected one folder where I put three pages. Each page contains a lesson: 1, 2, and 3. Each lesson is a product. Customers subscribe to Lesson 1 which lasts 5 days: on Day 1 customers access Lesson 1 until Day 5; on Day 2 they also see Lesson 2 until Day 5; and on Day 3 they also see Lesson 3 until Day 5. Fine, that works. The problem is that if a customer knows the links of following modules, they can use them: on Day 1 in the Member's Area only Lesson 1 is displayed, but if I enter the URLs of Lessons 2 and 3 I can get them on Day 1! Therefore customers who get links from friends can subscribe for Day 1, download the entire course, and unsubscribe, paying only Lesson 1 (or nothing, if there is a free trial period). Any idea to fix this problem? Thank you very much.
To me, its not really clear what youre doing. Are the orders and access based on the date they order or time since theybe been a members? If this is straight incremental content, you would set the protect file or folder to give access since the time they signed up. So Day 1 signups would get access to lesson 1 on day 1, then on day 2, they would get lessons 1 and 2. etc... You can also have it expire as they go, so Day 1 they get lesson 1, on day 2 they get only lesson 2 etc.. David
Hi David, Thank you for your help and attention. Access is based on the date of the order. When customers access their area, they find, in their "Active Resources", only the scheduled links, according to what they paid and to the date. But if they already know the links of the next scheduled lessons, they can download those lessons before the scheduled days. I decided to use links that can not easily be supposed, but if those links are found, they work before scheduled time. I protected the folder which contains html pages where I wrote the lessons.
Yeah, sounds like you created the links, but didnt protect the content folders for incremental periods. David
Hi, I'm having problems with Folder protected content. I simply cannot access the files. I've put all my files under a folder, and protected it. Then I created a page and inserted the links for the protected files (files that are under protected folder). But I simply cannot access any of the files.