I'm setting up infusionsoft and having a hard time integrating it with Amember. I've installed the plugin, set the API key and the cron job. But how do I actually assign the product? How does amember know which product purchase is the membership? Anyone had any success?
not many people here use infusionsoft (must be because of the price itself), so I wouldn't expect you'd get many responses to this question either...
Deborah is the expert at infusion integrations- suggest you contact her: http://www.infusionsoftconsultants.com/ David
You can assign each aMember product to a tag(group) in Infusion. aMember CP -> Manage Products -> Edit Product -> Infusion access So when user will be added to that group in Infusion, he will be added to aMember and will be subscribed to corresponding product.
Infusion Plugin Setup I have installed the infusion plugin but am not able to find Infusion access - aMember CP -> Manage Products -> Edit Product -> Infusion access I am also getting this error in the error log - XMLRPC Error - -32300 : transport error - HTTP status code was not 200 Any help is welcome
Justin, have you solved this? Justin, I have the exact same problem. Have you found a solution already? Han