I recently downloaded the freee trial version along with the Zend optimizer for Win XP. I'm running everything as localhost until all I'm satified that my website is set up the way I want it. I have apache 2.0 running with php 5.03 and mysql 4.1.9. I've checked my installation with tester.php and it says the following. Testing whether your system has ionCube Loader in php.ini...Failed Testing whether your system has Zend Optimizer in php.ini...OK Testing results: No additional configuration required and aMember will work on your hosting using the following loading method: Zend Optimizer installed Additional information: PHP version 5.0.3 (apache2handler) OS Windows NT CA1 5.1 build 2600 safe_mode Disabled enable_dl Enabled extension_dir C:\Server\PHP5\ext PHP Extensions bcmath, calendar, com_dotnet, ctype, ftp, iconv, odbc, SPL, SQLite, zlib, libxml, dom, SimpleXML, wddx, xml, apache2handler, cpdf, curl, dba, dbase, fdf, filepro, gd, gettext, imap, interbase, ldap, mbstring, mhash, mime_magic, ming, mssql, msql, mysql, openssl, pdf, pgsql, sockets, tidy, xmlrpc, xsl, zip, DateTime, crack, memcache, mysqli, oggvorbis, PDO, PDO_Firebird, pdo_mysql, PDO_ODBC, pdo_pgsql, phpdoc, pop3, soap, xmlreader, zlib_filter, Zend Optimizer CURL binary Not found, but curl PHP extension is available After unzipping and installing amember in a directory, I ran the installation script; everything went fine until I tried to log in a admin. These are the messages I got on the login screen Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Server\htdocs\mysite\amember\common.inc.php on line 160 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Server\htdocs\mysite\amember\common.inc.php:160) in C:\Server\htdocs\mysite\amember\admin\login.inc.php on line 103 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\Server\htdocs\mysite\amember\common.inc.php:160) in C:\Server\htdocs\mysite\amember\admin\login.inc.php on line 103 I've already made sure that I have a c:/tmp folder and that all the amber files are set for read/write access. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for the reply to my post, in my case, the mysql extensions are working fine. aMember creates the tables within my database and seems to be able to access them. In addition, other apps are using mysql with an problems/ Question for you, did you create a default database for aMember to access before you tried to install aMember. You have to have a database set up prior to running the install script. The other problem possible is that you don't have mysql support on your server or that its not set up properly in apache Thanks
Yes, I did set up a db for aMember to access before I tried to install it. I go into the db and cross reference the amember.sql file and all tables are in the db. I do have mysql on the linux server that I have my hosting on. I have no idea what the error is. I am pretty php savvy....this has me puzzled. Thanks Brenda
Besides I don't know what exactly happens with your installation, I know what exactly to do. Please use PHP 4.xx (instal also Zend Optimizer 2.5.7), and MySQL 3.xx, or 4.0.xx, not 4.1.xx and aMember Pro will work without any problems. It is typical configuration for shared hostings today.
Solution to "class db_mysql not exists" I had the same problem as LilMizTxs - that is, I installed through step 6 then got the error "Error in plugin db/mysql: class db_mysql not exists!" when trying to access the admin page (or any other page). I discovered the problem, and its solution: For some reason, the file amember/plugins/db/mysql.inc.php was missing. I uploaded the file again, and now everything seems to be working. I thought I'd share in case anyone else, like me, ends up wrestling with this one and afford can't wait for tech support. Thanks to everyone who's posted here before me, for all the great answers and support! Regards, Wendy Keilin Wendy@Artists-Edge.com www.Artists-Edge.com
Beware! Make sure your upload is complete I discovered that amember/plugins/db/mysql.inc.php was not the only file missing from my upload - there were actually a couple dozen other small files that also got uploaded as 0-length files. (I used FileZilla for the FTP upload. It claimed to have successfully uploaded each of these files, but in fact had not.) I had to go back over each individual subdirectory of the installation to find and re-upload these missing files. Be sure to check that your FTP upload of the aMember installation was indeed complete, or you're likely to run into strange problems like the one LilMizTxs and I encountered. Regards, Wendy