Integration of Amember with WordPress and SimplePress‏

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by seishindo, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. seishindo

    seishindo New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    I was going through the documentation of the Integration of Amember with WordPress, but I didn't able to understand a few things. if you will be kind enough to throw some light on the same I will help a lot in Integration.
    In the Integration Overview Page I had found the following:

    "To keep the aMember user database and the WordPress user database in sync, all registrations must be performed on the aMember Signup Page. This means you need to provide a link to the signup page from at least the home page. This is typically done by placing the aMember Widget in the sidebar of the homepage."
    Now in order to add the Amember's widget i.e aMember menu widget, aMember Text Widget, aMember Widget , we have to drag and drop the same to the widget area of the theme. Now how to add them manually with all the option if the theme doesnt support widget, via coding or shortcode.
    Can I add the login/Logout Option to a page via shortcodes if any

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