Integration with Joomla 2.5

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by orish, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. orish

    orish aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 15, 2011
    Hi, this seems like an obvious question but I can't find it anywhere in the forum or knowledge base...

    How does one set up the integration with Joomla so that when a customer is assigned to a membership group in aMember that he also gets access to the corresponding membership category in Joomla?

    For example, I have two access levels: Free Registered User and Paid Private Member.

    When he signs up with aMember, he joins the Free Registered group. I'd like him to also be in the "Registered" category in Joomla.

    Then when he signs up / purchases a Private Membership in aMember, I'd like him to get access to the "Private" category (categories) in Joomla, depending on which membership product he purchased.

    How does one do that?

    Many thanks,
  2. orish

    orish aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 15, 2011
    Oops! Sorry, I found it (again). It was hidden away in the Protect Content menu item under the Integrations tab.

    I had already set up the membership integrations and it took a bit of trial and error to figure it out.

    For Joomla, the "Resource" column consists of the access categories in Joomla (e.g. Registered, Public, etc.). The "Products" column consists of the membership categories in aMember.

    So in my case when a customer registers, they get access to all the Free Stuff (category). I then have to create several resource entries on the Integrations page, one for each Joomla access category that I want to be matched with Free Stuff.

    It's kind of the reverse of what you'd expect intuitively (i.e. to select an aMember category and then list all the Joomla categories that can be accessed). But it works.


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