What's involved? What do some of you guys charge to integrate with vbulletin? So they can click on a menu item to access the forum and not have to login again. Thanks
@rocked: there is an integration plugin available. copy it to your server, enable/configure it from admin and you're all set.
Enabling a vBulletin plugin in amember. Setting it up according to instructions on that page (database login info, etc) Installing aMember product in vBulletin. Configuring it. Editing each product to create mapping between the userlevels. I might have missed a step or two... But all in all, if you just follow the instructions and know what you're doing (somewhat), you can set it all up in 20 minutes time (with all the going back and forth).
i read through the original vb integration thread. but since i can't reply there, i figured i'd ask here. it says the plugin checks to see if somebody is already registered. if somebody with that username is not registered, does it register them for the vbulletin software as well?
skippy, this is actually what I was wondering too. It's kind of lame to make them register/login twice. I just want them to register/pay for the site one time and be able to access the content + forum without having to register for different parts of the site i.e. vBulletin and certainly not having to login twice. It makes it confusing for the users and lowers the user experience substantially. Hopefully the integration plugin handles this so they dont have to register/login again, otherwise I'm not sure of the point of the plugin other than a few lines of code to make it restricted to members only. I have yet to purchase aMember because I'm making sure that this is easily configured for a non-programmer to be able to setup before I purchase.