Hello, I am wondering; I have a domain that currently uses amember, I also have a subdomain of the same domain that uses wordpress, Is there a way that I can enable wordpress to share the same amember database?
You would use the wordpress plugin from amember that would copy the amember user info into wordpress. David
The problem with using the plug-in is that I would have to constantly be updating the WP database with new aMember registrations. We are a school and there are people signing up in amember and people being deleted from it on a regular basis. I am trying to keep our registrars job as automated as possible.
With an integration- the users are added by amember automatically- not sure what you mean by "I would have to constantly be updating the WP database with new aMember registrations" David
Im not sure about your server / hosting but on my servers, if I have a subdomain the MySQL database runs on a seperate account to the domain account. For that reason I could not simply use a plugin. This shouldn't be an issue is they both share the same database but I can understand why you would be constantly upgrading te WP database if it was on a different database/account. hth