Some of my international user are having trouble signing up with my site, getting transaction and AVS errors. I see in my cc_info.html template so IF statements for $config.cc_housenumber and $config.cc_province_outside_of_us which look to be fields worth enabling for international users. Unfortunately, I can't find a single thread or area of the FAQ that discusses WHERE to do this. Anyone know how I activated these fields (i'm using for payments)
Authorize.NET merchant control panel allows you to enable or disable field level validation. Sounds like you have a fairly strict validation which is failing for international. I would take a look and scale back a bit there.
Thanks Skippy. I did tweak some AVS settings already which has allowed a number of international folks to sign up. The current problem is that a customers billing address is actually 2 lines: Street Address Apartment is rejecting the transaction if he puts them both on one line. Thus the need for 2!
Gotcha. Do you have fraud check service through Authorize.NET or are you seeing this just as a part of the normal validation. The reason I ask is that I am not seeing that issue with international customers. There are a number of options in your Authorize.NET settings for Address verification: Do you have option G enabled?