Intruction to install AMember with CGI based PHP

Discussion in 'Installation' started by stephan99, May 4, 2004.

  1. stephan99

    stephan99 Guest

    What files get #!/usr/local/bin/php and which ones to leave alone.
  2. stephan99

    stephan99 Guest

    the test script returns this,

    Testing whether your system has ionCube Loader in php.ini...Failed
    Testing whether your system has Zend Optimizer in php.ini...Failed
    Testing whether your system can load ionCube Loader dynamically...OK
    Testing results:
    No additional configuration required and aMember will work on your hosting using the following loading method: ionCube dynamic loading possible

    Additional information: PHP version 4.3.3 (cgi)
    OS SunOS expert 5.7 Generic_106541-24 sun4u
    safe_mode Disabled
    enable_dl Enabled
    extension_dir ./
    PHP Extensions xml, posix, pgsql, mysql, imap, gd, ctype, bcmath
    CURL binary Not found, and curl PHP extension is not available
  3. stephan99

    stephan99 Guest

    But when I try to view a page, I get this:

    The file /mega/psoft/www/amember/ has been encoded with the ionCube PHP Encoder and requires the free ionCube PHP Loader to be installed.
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    >What files get #!/usr/local/bin/php and which ones to leave alone.
    all files with .php extension
    no changes needed for .inc.php

    You may need to get loader from
    and upload it to amember/ioncube/ folder.

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