Invision Plugin?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by thernes, Apr 24, 2003.

  1. thernes

    thernes Guest

  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    our policy is to keep third-party scripts (as Invision) source untouched, so it is impossible to implement what you suggest.
    After first import aMember database will be MASTER database, and all third-party scripts databases will be SLAVE.

    Possible it would be enough if we implement banning by e-mails, usernames, ip-adresses in aMember?
  3. thernes

    thernes Guest

    Well, that's an idea. I do not however understand your attitude toward not touching third-party scripts as there are tons of"hacks" for these scripts anyway, but hey, if you incorporate ip-banning, e-mail banning and username, I'll be a happy camper.

    I also miss the ability to see the members ip-adress befor I appprove his/hers application. Is there an easy way to add a field with the registrants ip-adress that will show up in his or hers profile when I, the admin, view it?
  4. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    ok, I will try to implement these features in the weekend,
    thank you for suggestion(s)!
  5. thernes

    thernes Guest

    Alex, the plugin also have a major flaw.

    Even if I set that I want to approve all new signups, the script automatically gives the new signup all the rights of the groups it has been signed up to. So even if I want to approve all the new signups, they will get full access to the board, even if I have not approved the signup!
  6. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Yes, it really is a problem.
    We will try to fix it soon. To faster resolution please email us FTP details and we will install fix as soon as it will be completed.

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