Please help. I must purchase aMember Professional today but must evaluate on my hosting provider: POWWEB. Unfortunately, it fails to load. Here’s why: 1. The script to the tester.php file is shown here: OR…results are here: PHP version 4.4.4 (cgi) OS Linux 2.4.32-grsec #1 Fri Mar 17 12:22:27 EST 2006 i686 safe_mode Disabled enable_dl Enabled extension_dir ./ PHP Extensions xslt, xmlrpc, xml, wddx, sockets, pspell, posix, mysql, ming, mhash, mcve, mcrypt, mbstring, imap, iconv, gettext, gd, ftp, exif, domxml, dbase, dba, curl, ctype, calendar, bcmath, zlib, openssl, ionCube Loader CURL binary /usr/bin/curl 2. You can see clearly that I have ionCube installed properly. Also the script above says that ionCube Loader will start aMember 3. I’ve installed the product successfully throughout all 4 steps 4. Yet every time I try to start aMember Control Panel at: …I get the message “Zend Optimizer not installed” It appears that regardless that I have ionCube installed properly, the script tries to use Zend Optimizer instead. QUESTION: Is there a need to have both installed? QUESTION: Can’t I force the use of ionCube only? 5. I’m asking these questions because I want to purchase your product Today. But I must verify it works. Please help me purchase your product today.
I'm affraid you have uploaded ZendOptimizer version of the trial. On your host, try to use ionCube version instead:
You're right Alex. Thanks for pointing it out. Just a few tests and I plan to purchase by the end of today. Thanks