Amember does not insert a forum member's ip address in vbulletin. This is an absolute necessity in order to use spam prevention in forums. I highly suggest that this get added on and, hopefully, some type of script can be created to add this easily to the vbulletin database to update the empty user entries of the user IP address. At present, this should be easy. If amember is inserting username and password this should also be included to add into the user table in vbulletin.
Hi, Ok. I changed plugin so IP will be stored now when user is added to vBulletin. Only this query was changed in plugin: PHP: $this->query("INSERT INTO [db]user(usergroupid, membergroupids,displaygroupid, username, password, passworddate, email, styleid,.showvbcode, customtitle, joindate, daysprune, lastvisit, lastactivity, lastpost, posts, reputation,reputationlevelid, timezoneoffset, pmpopup, avatarid, avatarrevision, options, maxposts, startofweek,referrerid, languageid, emailstamp, threadedmode, autosubscribe, pmtotal, pmunread, salt, usertitle,amemberid, ipaddress)VALUES($max, '$maxo', $max, '$member[login]', '$pass', now(), '$member[email]', 0,.1, 0, unix_timestamp(), -1, unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp(), 0, 0, 10, 5, '$tzoff', 1, 0, 0, 7255,-1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '$salt', '$title', '$member[member_id]', '$member[remote_addr]')"); In order to update IP for existing users you can use something like this: PHP: include "/amember/";$q = $db->query("select member_id, remote_addr from amember_members"); while(list($member_id, $remote_addr) = mysql_fetch_row($q)){$db->query("update vbdbname.user set ipaddress='$remote_addr' where amemberid='$member_id'");} Of course backup database before doing this.
Wow... I must have missed this. I'm going to try it. Unfortunately I've been missing all the current users from being inserted into the database. I'll contact you for the latest versions of the plugin since they aren't listed in my account. Thanks again for this alex.