Ipn Wont Work

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by xpguy, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. xpguy

    xpguy Guest

    I tested to see if the ipn link worked and it does however when i went to paypal to put it in it says the following error:

    We were unable to validate the URL you have entered. Please check your entry and try again.

    this is my url to my paypal plugin:

    my url.com/skinsdb/plugins/payment/paypal/ipn.php (took out main url because my site isn't completed yet)

  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    Does that URL work in your browser?

    I will bet, you forgot add http:// in front of URL when you entered it to PayPal settings.

    BTW, Good news - you don' t need to enter URL into PayPal settings - it will work fine
    without it.
  3. xpguy

    xpguy Guest

    hi alex the i copied the url from my amember acp into paypal and it came up with that error :S and yes i did try http://.

  4. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    It would help if you paste exact error message (when you accessed it from browser).
    Also, are you sure that you have uploaded all files from aMember distribution?

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