IPv6 support / fixes

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by cbuechler, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. netgate

    netgate New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    I'm wondering if any fixes for IPv6 have been implemented in v4 already, or are planned. My site's server is dual homed, and has an AAAA record now. My and my staff's administrative sessions are all happening over IPv6, and I've tested ordering from an IPv6-only host. I haven't noticed anything that is completely broken, everything functions, but some of the places that use IP addresses have bugs. I'm on the latest 3.x version.

    Two bugs I've noticed.
    1) After logging in as admin, you get the "You last logged in from x.x.x.x at 01/02/2012 ..." prompt. That prompt is still showing the IP, time and date of my last IPv4 login from a few days ago, when I've logged in a number of times over IPv6 since then.
    2) When ordering via IPv6, the IP address recorded with the user gets cut off in User Info. It cuts off at 15 characters, the longest-possible IPv4 IP. IPv6 IPs are usually much longer than that though.

    There are possibly other issues I haven't yet noticed. Anyone else using IPv6 with amember?
  2. netgate

    netgate New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    I've had my production site running dual stack for a couple weeks now and haven't noticed any IPv6 issues other than the above noted ones.

    Am I really the only one here paying any attention to IPv6? The complete exhaustion of IPv4 address space is near. In the not too distant future, parts of the Internet won't be able to reach your sites if they're v4-only, though that may still be a couple years out. It's time for applications to catch up.
  3. netgate

    netgate New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Follow up note on something I've noticed - the above mentioned bug #1 is inconsistent. I never noticed this being the case prior to dual stacking my site, though it's possible it's just something I overlooked. It's now showing "
    You last logged in from
    2001:470:xxxx:xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx at 01/08/2012 16:27:41"
    . Though I log in several times every day, and usually from at least two different machines every day, that's more than two days ago. So it is correctly showing v6 IPs there, but it's not always correctly showing the last login time.

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