Is AMember 4 ready for prime time?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by ntc69, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. ntc69

    ntc69 Member

    Apr 9, 2005
    I'm on 3.1.6 PRO and, believe me, half an hour skimming through the AM4 forum has got me in a cold sweat. There's NO way I'm making the move based on the avalanche of bugs and poor support that many are complaining of. I saw 4 had come out a long time ago and said to myself "I'll wait until the bugs are ironed out in summer/autumn.".

    And here we are and I'm getting the distinct impression it isn't ready for prime time yet. The problem is, if I take the plunge and something goes wrong...I post here on the forum, I post a ticket and 48 hours later, I'm still twiddling my thumbs. Meanwhile, I've to 50 angry e-mails from paid up members who are locked out of a bust system.

    so, hand on heart, if I don't yet need any "shiny new bells" that AM4 has, should I stay where I am?
  2. jwbats

    jwbats New Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Why upgrade when you're doing fine the way you are?

    You should be glad you've got a working installation. I haven't received any support all week and I'm still stuck.
  3. Sergei

    Sergei aMember Pro Customer

    Mar 6, 2006
    Running version 4 on a production site with a dedicated box. Its stable and can handle whatever it needs to do. I don't know what kind of forum software you are using, but either way I would test the whole site on a local server first. This includes the upgrading process etc. So create a sandbox first, perhaps let some of your users test it, get some feedback layout wise ;)
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Sorry, but you forgot to mention you are trying to run aMember on IIS (which is not supported and it is stated on the order page), and that you are requesting support via forum (where we do not provide guaranteed support).

    On recommended environments, v4 is pretty stable (lot more stable than v3 ever was :) ) and bug-free.
    dansomers likes this.
  5. regis

    regis aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 29, 2006
    I dove in and switched over to v4 a few months ago and am extremely happy with it. 110% better than v3. Although I am running on a Linux Centos 5 box too, I'd probably be very hesitant if I were on IIS as well.
  6. ntc69

    ntc69 Member

    Apr 9, 2005
    I just thought I'd bump this thread, can't believe it's a whole year later! I'm on latest aM3 and still bit concerned when I see how many issues seem to be on the aM4 forum. Anyone regret switching?

    On a related topic, how long will the aM3 branch be supported for?
  7. hhubbers01

    hhubbers01 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 22, 2012
    aM4 is great... a big improvement.

    I have no regrets using it as it has a lot more features and functionality.
  8. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    No regrets at all.
  9. dansomers

    dansomers New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
    I've got a few licences and turned well over 200k a year, for the last two years with this software!

    The only thing I would say is that the first set up with wordpress never works, but the guys have always managed to fix it for me. That's my only issue but once it's running, its the tits

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