Is Anyone using with the latest version of X-cart 4.4.3?

Discussion in 'Integration' started by hollymccaig, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. hollymccaig

    hollymccaig New Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    I am running X-cart 4.4.3 - I've found so many differences with it in comparison to previous versions that have made our heads spin. But, alas, we're up and going. WE sell digital goods to photographers. We'd like to set up a subscriber program where customers could pay a yearly fee to download each month what is already in the store (a savings, of course). Am I to understand this will work it out so it is automated? And, if you've used it with the most current version of xcart what has been your experience. I've purchased mods only to screw up things because they were still buggy.

    Say I set a membership in x-cart that is "Subscriber" and set the subscriber prices to $0. When they purchase the membership through aMember, it would auto apply them as a "SUBSCRIBER" member so they could then login to the store and add the items to their cart to download, priced at $0. While regular shoppers would just buy the products at full price, individually?

    I know I can do this manually and just track people on a spreadsheet, but I want to automate as much as possible.

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