Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with my registration process now. The last person to sign up was a week ago, and everything went through smoothly. The admins haven't logged on for a week and half before this or at least amember said so until today. The problem is that the status is stated as pending. However, they did signed up and paid through paypal. I even set up a custom email after they finish their payment saying "thank you (username), your password is (password)" in the "send_signup_mail E-Mail is sent when user completes his first subscription" part. I've sent a ticket in about this so hopefully, this will be fixed soon because I got about a dozen people that signed up already... Maybe this could be a server host related problem? I admit I'm on shared hosting... Email works fine because I sent out an email to the pending status group to apologize to them. Could there be anything else? Thank you!
Oliver, Please try to resubmit IPN message for that signup from your paypal account. Then if payment will not be activated please check amember CP -> Error Log to see was IPN message really received. if message was not received, please provide access to server access log and error log for today.