alex, can u shed some light on how we can do this? I need to know how to display the billing history in a seperate page. Help is appreciated.
0. Backup your aMember installation (files). 1. Copy amember/member.php to amember/history.php 2. Edit file amember/history.php and replace "member.html" to "history.html" inside. 3. Copy amember/templates/member.html to amember/templates/history.html 4. Edit amember/templates/member.html and remove everything about billing history: PHP: <p align=center><b>Your payment history</p> <table class=hedit style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=1 bordercolor=#A0A0A0> <tr> <th>Product</th> <th colspan=2>Period</th> <th>Payment System</th> <th>Amount</th> </tr> {foreach from=$payments item=p} <tr {if $p.is_active}style='font-weight: bold;'{/if}> <td>{lookup arr=$products key=$p.product_id} {if $p.cancel_url}<br><a href="{$p.cancel_url}" target=top>Cancel</a>{/if} {if $}<br><b><small><font color=red>CANCELLED</font></small></b>{/if} </td> <td nowrap>{$p.begin_date|date_format:$config.date_format}</td> <td nowrap>{if $p.expire_date eq "2012-12-31"} - {else} {$p.expire_date|date_format:$config.date_format}{/if}</td> <td> {lookup arr=$paysystems key=$p.paysys_id} </td> <td align=right>{$config.currency|default:"$"}{$p.amount} </td> </tr> {/foreach} </table> and add a link to amember/history.php instead. 5. Edit file amember/templates/history.html and remove everything but history displaying code. 6. Try all.