Is This Possible?

Discussion in 'Pre-Sales Questions' started by rob4507, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. rob4507

    rob4507 aMember Pro Customer

    Jan 24, 2010
    Hey there,

    I've scanned most of the forums for answers and I'm pretty confident that aMP is capable of this but I'd really like some solid confirmation.

    I will need the ability for a server side php script on my website to be able to talk to aMember and...

    1. Be able to create a new user without email confirmation. All that is supplied is a user name and password and it must be able to set up a new account with those two bits of information.
    2. Be able to tag a user as having paid for a product.
    3. Be able to ask aMember if the user a) exists and b) has paid.

    The scenario is that I want to be able to have an iPhone user be able to buy through iTunes (via in app purchase) and at that point, the application will request my server to create a new member on the aMember database.

    If it is possible, then GREAT! If so, what kind of documentation is available to help me get this working.


  2. skippybosco

    skippybosco CGI-Central Partner Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2006

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