Hey Alex... I currently have 2 options of membership on my site and when someone purchases membership package B and tries to login after successfully paying, they are able to see the redirect page, but then they get that 'ugly' pop-up box asking for username and password.... The trouble is that the pop-up box doesn't accept or recognize their username and password and sends them to an error 401 page and they can't log in. I have had to go into the system and change the product that they purchased to an older disabled one to allow their access. Do you know what may be causing this? The only thing I can think of is that a while ago, I had 2 products titled the same thing. Any solutions? Thanks. Josh
Edit your .htaccess - there are some product numbers hardcoded - add your new product number and it will work.
Silly me -- it's been a while since I added new products and forgot about needing to add to the .htaccess file! Thanks for the reminder. NEW ISSUE: For some reason now, I don't seem to be receiving the ***New Payment admin emails anymore. I didn't change any settings that would cause this. Anything I can look into to find the reason for this? Thanks. Josh