After configuring the joomla plugin I did a "rebuild db". No errors were generated but no user information was pulled into the amember DB. Any thoughts? Running: Joomla 1.5.6 aMember: 3.1.4 PRO
I don't use Joomla personally, but I'm pretty sure that a rebuild puts aMember users INTO Joomla, not the other way around.. You will most likely need to export your existing users and import into aMember. That is how it works with the likes of wordpress and vBulletin.
Skippybosco is right, the plugin moves users from amember into joomla. So to get these users into amember, your gonna have to iimport them. Because joomla uses encrypted passwords, but amember doesn't your gonna have to generate new passwords for these users on import and send out an email after importing letting them know the new password. David