my affiliates are not being credited the amount they have earned. Only the first instance will they get credited but the second month they are not being credited. I have the paypal to send user payment info to the proper postback script but it does not see it on the aff side. not sure if this is due to the name change of the product? but the first instance it worked and I credited my affs their money, it is the second time or second mnth that they are not credited? history... I had some issues with name and I had to change the service name. once that happened things were not being logged properly in amember. I assume this maybe the case. if so how can I fix it?
would it matter if I change the product name? because I see the payments in paypal BUT I dont see it also in amember... new payments come through, I checked the paypal ipn and no failed I am assuming its the name change of the product but I am uncertain. is there a way to fix this? ...THIS JUST CAME TO MY HEAD the IPN URL changed since I had to switch domains? does that matter? again because I see the payments in paypal BUT I dont see them on the amember dashboard nor does it ping back jrox