Just create account at sign-up

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by sboben, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. sboben

    sboben New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    I'm using aMember to provide access to my software templates that I create. People buy them, but until I had aMember, I didn't have an easy way of notifying customers of updates to the software nor did I have an easy way of getting the update to them. aMember solves that, but since I'm not running a "membership" type solution, there's no need for anyone to select a "membership type" when creating an account.

    Is there an easy way to disable the requirement that you select a membership type at sign-up? I set all my products to "hide from sign-up" but the form still requires that at least one membership type be selected. I want users to be able to create an account without feeling pressured to buy something, even if the product is free.

    Any leads would be much appreciated - Suzanne
  2. sboben

    sboben New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    Never mind, I found a work-around.
  3. jschemmel

    jschemmel New Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    I had the same issue and also found a work around.

    I'd like to suggest that the creation of an account without requiring the selection of any product or subscription be a standard option in future versions of aMember.
  4. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It is possible to setup a free product with price = 0 and that will work.

    We will implement this suggeested feature along with long-awaited shopping cart interface in next major release.
  5. sboben

    sboben New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    Yeah I use a free product for sign-up. I just used CSS and set the area to display:none;

    It's on the page, but you can't see it :)

    The dumb thing is, everyone gets into their account, already has the free product, yet they order it again for some reason. It would be really nice if the product list could update to show only those products/subscriptions they DON'T own. But that's a different thread ;-)
  6. joe_asto2

    joe_asto2 New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    Preventing users from signing/purchasing up for free membership multiple times is easily preventable by using the "Disallow subscription to this
    product if the following conditions meet and user has:"
    and the "Scope" options.

    Just look for these options on the "Edit Product/Subscription" page for your free membership "product" in the "Manage Products" section.
  7. sboben

    sboben New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    Ah.. how on earth did I miss that option. Thanks! I'll go do that.
  8. sboben

    sboben New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    That was exactly what I wanted to see... thanks for actually telling me exactly where to find the setting rather than simply "that can already be done". Much appreciated.
  9. joe_asto2

    joe_asto2 New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    No problem. I'm glad to be able to answer something and save Alex some time!

    There's another similar option that you might find useful called "Limit Renewals" found on the Advanced Configuration page - it can stop any product/subscription being purchased or renewed more than once.

    Go to: Utilities->Setup/Configuration->Advanced and look for Limit Renewals
  10. jschemmel

    jschemmel New Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    I used "...signup.php?hide_paysys=free" on the index.html page in order to remove the payment information from the signup page. I then used "...hide from sign up page" for the product visibility for all but creating an initial account. It took a few email exchanges with other aMember users and some trial and error to figure this work around.

    I look forward to an alternative to this work around. :)

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