PayPal recurring payments. If a user signs up for a recurring subscription on say Jan 19th, 2013. Then we put out a membership promo for Black Friday of (Nov 23rd let's say) 2013 or something. They want the good deal before their Jan 19th, 2014 auto renewal so they cancel the 1st membership and order the 2nd with the coupon price. In aMember the new subscription will be added to the expiration day of the first membership making their new one year discounted membership expire in Jan 19th, 2015. But, their PayPal will stay set to the date of purchase and will auto renew November 23rd, 2014. Is this still accurate? Obviously... it sucks and screws everything up. So I'm hoping I'm wrong or it's changed but just double checking as it's been a couple years since initially setting up. If that is indeed accurate then is there a way that members could use the coupon code to somehow apply to their existing recurring payment profile with PayPal so it renews on discount or something? Or any better way to handle these scenarios? Thanks
Also, how does 'upgrade path' in v4 come into play with all of this? Say the member has a 3 month membership. At the end of the 1st month they decide they want the 1 year membership. Will aMember auto cancel their 3 month membership and start a new 1 year recurring profile? If so, what would be the dates on it when considering my above post issues with dates and paypal. Thanks