I need some help LEFT justifying the payment history listing in members.html .. using standard code ... except I added <div align=left>.. I am just trying to shift the table to the left hand side of the page.. However, the div tag isn't working ... Any ideas what is wrong ?? <div align=left> <table class=hedit style='border-collapse: collapse;' border=1 bordercolor=#A0A0A0> <tr> <th><font color=black>Product</th> <th colspan=2><font color=black>Period</th> <th><font color=black>Payment System</th> <th><font color=black>Amount</th> </tr> {foreach from=$payments item=p} <tr {if $p.is_active}style='font-weight: bold;'{/if} > <td><font color=black>{lookup arr=$products key=$p.product_id}</td> <td nowrap><font color=black>{$p.begin_date|date_format:"%m/%d/%y"}</td> <td nowrap><font color=black>{$p.expire_date|date_format:"%m/%d/%y"}</td> <td><font color=black> {lookup arr=$paysystems key=$p.paysys_id} </td> <td align=right><font color=black>${$p.amount} </td> </tr> {/foreach} </table></div>