Liability Per Payment

Discussion in 'Customization & add-ons' started by press_enterprise, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. press_enterprise

    press_enterprise aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 29, 2006

    We currently only have one product so our users can only be subscribed to one thing at a time. I imagine multi-product users would want a sum of current liability, but this works for us.

    Version: 3.1.8PRO
    Backup your site before making any modifications! :)

    STEP 1 - Calculate Liability and add to Display Array
    In /amember/admin/users.php, find this function:
    function display_payments_form(){
        global $member_id;
        global $db, $t;
        if ($_GET['cancel_recurring'] > 0){
            $p = $db->get_payment($_GET['cancel_recurring']);
            if (!$p) die('Cannot find payment to cancel recurring. internal error');
            $p['data']['CANCELLED'] = 1;
            $p['data']['CANCELLED_AT'] = strftime($config['time_format'], time());
            $db->update_payment($p['payment_id'], $p);
            admin_log("Subscription cancelled", 'payments', $p['payment_id']);
        $products = & $db->get_products_list();
        $pp = array();
        foreach ($products as $p) $pp[ $p['product_id'] ] = $p['title'] ;
        $t->assign('products', $pp);
        $t->assign('member_id', $member_id);
        $payments = & $db->get_user_payments(intval($member_id));
        foreach ($payments as $k=>$p){
            $payments[$k]['items_count'] = count($p['data'][0]['BASKET_PRODUCTS']);
            /** Following is a dirty hack to show cancel link in admin cp */
            if ($payments[$k]['expire_date'] >= date('Y-m-d')){
                $paysys = get_paysystem($p['paysys_id']);
                $product = $db->get_product($p['product_id']);
                if ($paysys['recurring']
                    && ($pay_plugin = &instantiate_plugin('payment', $p['paysys_id']))
                    && $product['is_recurring']
                    && method_exists($pay_plugin, 'get_cancel_link')){
                    $l = $pay_plugin->get_cancel_link($p['payment_id']);
                    if (preg_match('|cc.php\?action=cancel_recurring|', $l, $regs)){
                        $u = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?member_id=$member_id&action=payments&" .
                        'cancel_recurring=' . $p['payment_id'];
                        $payments[$k]['cancel_url'] = $u;
        $t->assign('payments', $payments);
        $paysystems = get_paysystems_list();
        $pp = array();
        foreach ($paysystems as $p) $pp[ $p['paysys_id'] ] = $p['title'] ;
        $t->assign('paysystems', $pp);
        global $payment_additional_fields;
        $t->assign('payment_additional_fields', $payment_additional_fields);
    CHANGE it to this:
    function display_payments_form(){
        global $member_id;
        global $db, $t;
        if ($_GET['cancel_recurring'] > 0){
            $p = $db->get_payment($_GET['cancel_recurring']);
            if (!$p) die('Cannot find payment to cancel recurring. internal error');
            $p['data']['CANCELLED'] = 1;
            $p['data']['CANCELLED_AT'] = strftime($config['time_format'], time());
            $db->update_payment($p['payment_id'], $p);
            admin_log("Subscription cancelled", 'payments', $p['payment_id']);
        $products = & $db->get_products_list();
        $pp = array();
        foreach ($products as $p) $pp[ $p['product_id'] ] = $p['title'] ;
        $t->assign('products', $pp);
        $t->assign('member_id', $member_id);
        $payments = & $db->get_user_payments(intval($member_id));
        foreach ($payments as $k=>$p){
            $payments[$k]['items_count'] = count($p['data'][0]['BASKET_PRODUCTS']);
            /** Following is a dirty hack to show cancel link in admin cp */
            if ($payments[$k]['expire_date'] >= date('Y-m-d')){
                $paysys = get_paysystem($p['paysys_id']);
                $product = $db->get_product($p['product_id']);
                if ($paysys['recurring']
                    && ($pay_plugin = &instantiate_plugin('payment', $p['paysys_id']))
                    && $product['is_recurring']
                    && method_exists($pay_plugin, 'get_cancel_link')){
                    $l = $pay_plugin->get_cancel_link($p['payment_id']);
                    if (preg_match('|cc.php\?action=cancel_recurring|', $l, $regs)){
                        $u = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?member_id=$member_id&action=payments&" .
                        'cancel_recurring=' . $p['payment_id'];
                        $payments[$k]['cancel_url'] = $u;
    		// If this is a completed payment we are responsible for, calculate liability.
    		if( $payments[$k]['completed'] ){
    			// Create begin date as UNIX time for easier calculations.
    			list( $beg_year, $beg_month, $beg_day ) = split( "-", $p['begin_date'] );
    			$unix_begin_date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $beg_month, $beg_day, $beg_year );
    			// Create expiration date as UNIX time for easier calculations.
    			list( $exp_year, $exp_month, $exp_day ) = split( "-", $p['expire_date'] );
    			$unix_expire_date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $exp_month, $exp_day, $exp_year );
    			// Create today as UNIX time for easier calculations.
    			$unix_today = time();
    			// Calculate ACTUAL number of days purchased (not based off assumed subscription length of product).
    			$liability_full = floor( ( $unix_expire_date - $unix_begin_date ) / ( 60*60*24 ) );
    			// If expiration date is in the past, no liability
    			if( $unix_today >= $unix_expire_date ){
    				//echo( "Expiration is today or in the past...<br>" );
    				$liability_days = 0;
    				$liability_percent = 0;
    			// If start date is in the future, full liability
    			} elseif( $unix_begin_date > $unix_today ){
    				//echo( "Subscription starts in the future...<br>" );
    				$liability_days = $liability_full;
    				$liability_percent = 1;
    			// Otherwise, calculate the days left until expiration
    			} else {
    				//echo( "We are in the subscription...<br>" );
    				$liability_days = floor( ( $unix_expire_date - $unix_today ) / ( 60*60*24 ) );
    				$liability_percent = $liability_days / $liability_full;
    			// Calculate liability days and put text into array.
    			if( $liability_days <= 0 ){
    				$payments[$k]['liability_days'] = "None";
    			} elseif( $liability_days == 1 ){
    				$payments[$k]['liability_days'] = $liability_days . "&nbsp;Day";
    			} else {
    				$payments[$k]['liability_days'] = $liability_days . "&nbsp;Days";
    			// Calculate liability cost and put integer into array.
    			$payments[$k]['liability_cost'] = number_format( round( $payments[$k]['amount'] * $liability_percent, 2 ), 2 );
    			// Calculate rate per day of subscription.
    			$payments[$k]['rate_per_day'] = round( ( $payments[$k]['amount'] / $liability_full ), 2 ) * 100;
        $t->assign('payments', $payments);
        $paysystems = get_paysystems_list();
        $pp = array();
        foreach ($paysystems as $p) $pp[ $p['paysys_id'] ] = $p['title'] ;
        $t->assign('paysystems', $pp);
        global $payment_additional_fields;
        $t->assign('payment_additional_fields', $payment_additional_fields);
    STEP 2 - Update User Payments Display to show Liability
    In /amember/templates/user_payments.html, around line 17, AFTER:
    Then around line 41, CHANGE:
        <td align=center>{if $p.completed}<b>YES</b>{else}NO{/if}</td>
        <td>{if $p.completed}
        {if $p.expire_date >= date('Y-m-d') and $p.begin_date <= date('Y-m-d') }
        {elseif $p.expire_date < date('Y-m-d') }
        <font color=red><b>Expired</b></font>
        {elseif $p.begin_date > date('Y-m-d') }
        {if $}<br /><font color=red>CANCELLED</font>{/if}
        {if $p.cancel_url && $p.completed}<br /><a href="{$p.cancel_url|escape}">Stop Recurring</a>{/if}
    	{if $p.completed}<br /><span style="font-size: 10px;">{$p.rate_per_day}&cent;/day</span>{/if}</td>
        <td align=center>{if $p.completed}<b>YES</b>{else}NO{/if}</td>
        <td>{if $p.completed}
        {if $p.expire_date >= date('Y-m-d') and $p.begin_date <= date('Y-m-d') }
        {elseif $p.expire_date < date('Y-m-d') }
        <font color=red><b>Expired</b></font>
        {elseif $p.begin_date > date('Y-m-d') }
        {if $}<br /><font color=red>CANCELLED</font>{/if}
        {if $p.cancel_url && $p.completed}<br /><a href="{$p.cancel_url|escape}">Stop Recurring</a>{/if}
        <td>{if $p.liability_days == 'None'}{$p.liability_days}
    	{elseif $p.completed && $p.liability_days != 'None'}{$config.currency|default:"$"}{$p.liability_cost}<br />
    	<span style="font-size: 10px;">{$p.liability_days}</span>{/if}
    Finally, around line 69, CHANGE:
        <th colspan=8 align=center
        <th colspan=9 align=center

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