local testing

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by superuser, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. superuser

    superuser Guest


    i have bought amember some time ago.
    currently the amember script is running fine with my website.

    i am currently doing a huge revamp and integrating various section of my sites. All the development is done locally. I tried to install amember locally to do my local integration testing and development but unable to add user/product and stuff because the license said domain incorrect.

    Do you issue license for , i need it for local development.

    Please advise.
  2. movado

    movado Guest

    licensing for dev purposes

    i believe licensing is for domain names, not ip addresses. you can probably create a dev environment by creating a server with the same root domain name. for example, your production server will most likely be www.domainname.com. your dev server could be dev.domainname.com. i suspect that should work.
  3. superuser

    superuser Guest

    thanks for helping but i cannot move the whole of my local site development to online server.

    i need to do it locally and have to make frequent changes to the website scripts. i believe amember staff should have prepare something for local development else how do i start to integrate into my site.
  4. movado

    movado Guest

    you should be able to change the domain name suffix of your computer. i can do it in windows and linux fairly easily. you then change the hosts file so it seems like whatever address you are using is coming from the domain name you are licensed for... for example, let's say my comptuer is called redhat. i add the fully qualified domain name and alter the /etc/hosts or c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc file and the license should work.

    hope that helps.
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004

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