background - I had someone else set up aMember to integrate w/ Wordpress and I can't seem to get the login to work correctly now (and the one who installed everything is now unavailable) When you click login in the header of my blog ( up pops a Wordpress login. Is this supposed to happen? I think so many of my users will already have wordpress logins that they will be terribly confused! I'm also having a terrible time getting the login to redirect them to the page that includes all of the members only information! I've tried changing it through the Admin CP --> Manage Products --> Edit --> Product URL multiple times and nothing has helped. Now it even gives me a 404 error! Here's the file from public_html/members/templates/login.html PHP: {assign var="title" value=$smarty.const._TPL_LOGIN_PLEASE_LOGIN} {include file="header.html"} {include file=""} <form name="login" method="post" {if $form_action}action="{$form_action}"{/if}> <table class="vedit" > <tr> <th>#_TPL_LOGIN_USERNAME#</th> <td><input type="text" name="amember_login" size="15" value="{$smarty.request.amember_login|escape}" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>#_TPL_LOGIN_PASSWORD#</th> <td><input type="password" name="amember_pass" size="15" /></td> </tr> {if $this_config.remember_login && !$this_config.remember_auto} <tr> <td colspan="2" style='padding:0px; padding-bottom: 2px;'> <input type="checkbox" name="remember_login" value="1"> <span class="small">#_TPL_LOGIN_REMEMBER_MY_PASSWORD#</span> </td> </tr> {/if} </table> <input type="hidden" name="login_attempt_id" value="{php}print time();{/php}" /> {if $redirect_url} <input type="hidden" name="amember_redirect_url" value="{$redirect_url|escape}" /> {/if} <br /> <input type="submit" value=" #_TPL_LOGIN_BTN_LOGIN# " /> <input type="button" value=" #_TPL_LOGIN_BTN_BACK# " onclick="history.back(-1)" /> </form> <br /> <p>#_TPL_LOGIN_NOT_REGISTERED_YET# <a href="{$config.root_url}/{if $affiliates_signup}aff_{/if}signup.php">#_TPL_LOGIN_SIGNUP_HERE#</a></p> <br /> <h3>#_TPL_LOGIN_LOST_PASSWORD#?</h3> <form name="sendpass" method="post" action="{$config.root_url}/sendpass.php"> <table align="center" class="vedit" width="30%"> <tr> <th>#_TPL_LOGIN_ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL_OR_USERNAME#</th> <td><input type="text" name="login" size="12" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="#_TPL_LOGIN_BTN_GET_PASSWORD#" /> </form> {include file="footer.html"}
You should change that link and redirect users to /amember/login.php for login. Where you see 404 error? After login? If so where you tryed to login exactly?
You should change that link and redirect users to /amember/login.php for login. How?? The 404 error comes up after you enter username and password. Instead of redirecting to a page - it just gives an error.