I apologize for asking this simple question since the answer is likely in the forums (although I have spent about 1/2 hour searching). I added the login form to the main page: <form action="/amember/login.php" method=post> Username: <input type=text name=amember_login size=10><br> Password: <input type=password name=amember_pass size=10><br> <input type=submit value=Login> </form> Works great except that I must login on the main page and as it is redirected to the protected directory, I am prompted for another login. So How do I avoid the 2 login prompts? Thanks!!
Do you use htpasswd password protection? It is impossible to avoid double login with this. Try to use "new_rewrite" protection method instead.
Thanks -- still need a bit more help.. I enabled "new_rewrite" and chmod 777 the folder in the "data" directory. But is still requires a dual login. So my quesiton is I must remove the .htaccess file from the secure directory that I was using before? Also, in the: aMemberCP -> Setup/Config -> Plugins (Protected Plugins) Do I *only* select new_rewrite ? Thank you for your help! Love the script.
Praha, could you contact support via helpdesk with exact links to try? If new_rewrite works, double login problem may be resolved for sure.