Logoff from third party script

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by richard_vencu, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. richard_vencu

    richard_vencu New Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I have a logoff function in a third party script that I do NOT want to integrate but I want to logoff from aMember when I run it's logoff function in order to clear the session.

    At first stage I just used session_destroy() function from PHP and it worked pretty well. However now I want to give access to guest users without the need to become users in aMember so:
    - I do not want to integrate aMember here, I will handle SSO differently
    - at logout I want to code the SSO to also try to logout from aMember if there is any open session

    Normally I should kill all aMember session variables but I first need to know them all. Is it enough if I inspect any aMember session with Google Chrome dev tools?
  2. richard_vencu

    richard_vencu New Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I tried to do that from the external script but it does not work...

    header ("Location: /acces/login/logout");
  3. richard_vencu

    richard_vencu New Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I finally solved it. The page was redirecting to itself, I setup a session variable then after redirect I tested this variable then sent the header location to /member/logout

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