I have the following logout script for amember: Code: <?php require_once('https://aMemberSite.com/config.inc.php'); setcookie('_amember_ru', '', time() - 3600 * 26, '/'); setcookie('_amember_rp', '', time() - 3600 * 26, '/'); $to_delete = array(); plugin_after_logout($_SESSION['_amember_user']); foreach ($_SESSION as $k=>$v){ if (!preg_match('/^_amember/', $k) || $k == '_amember_login_attempt_id') continue; $to_delete[] = $k; } foreach ($to_delete as $k){ if (ini_get('register_globals')) session_unregister($k); else unset($_SESSION[$k]); unset($$k); } session_write_close(); if (!$config['protect']['php_include']['redirect']) @($config['protect']['php_include']['redirect'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/'); ?> The script is stored in a PHP file on the aMemberSite.com (https://amembersite.com/customlogout.php). After i access it and return to the Member page i see that i am logged out. That's great. When i try to execute the "customlogout.php" script that is described above from another site like: https://aMemberSite2.com/customlogout.php the logout doesn't work. I think the problem is with the session information. What can i do to have it working ?