Hi, I launched a payment system on my website yesterday, and I'm already worried that of the nearly $100 of business that I *might* have done via Paypal, I converted only $20's worth. I was wondering, in the experience of people who use have gone through this before, is it worth paying for a different payment gateway. I'm assuming that people who think of subscribing to my site are being discouraged to do so by palpal's long forms. If so, what would be a good alternative, given that I'm in the UK. I know there's a paypal express checkout option, but I've never managed to get working in the past. TIA, Frank
Frank, have a look to other payment options: http://amember.com/paysystems.php Worldpay is definitely closer to you, have a look.
Thanks Alex. I was afraid somebody might say that. Worldpay prices might be a little too much at this stage but if it means I can convert more of these sales, I'll look into it right now. I might also try contacting these would-be shoppers and see why so many of them didn't finish their orders -- a good tip I found on these boards. Thanks again Frank.