Hi Alex, I love the report/protection/payment plugin. It makes things very flexible. It would be very nice to extend the plugin concept like osCommerce and Mambo have. I've had programmers make customizations to aMember for me, but when it comes time to upgrade, everything is lost. Are there any plans to enable "modular" customization in ver 3? Thanks! Erik
Erik, why everything is lost after upgrade? I don't understand. We are still looking for ideas for v3, so I appreciate if you describe your idea. Thank you!
Hi Alex, Well if a programmer makes changes to the core amember files, and they gut updated in a new version - then that code is overwritten and has to be re-inserted. We've had this problem with templates to. Maybe an easier thing for you guys to program would a "self-updating" amember. The user would chmod /amember/ to 777 and then the script would download updates to /amember/src/, and then proceed to overwrite files. It could do a modification check (like linux diff) before overwriting and give the admin a chance to save the old code and then manually merge it back in. "ASRep" has a good self update function that works quite well. It downloads the new version, then confirms you want to overwrite the files and you're done! Is the ETA for ver3 still early this summer? Thanks for all your hard work Alex!
I would be happy to do that if there would not be a problem with PHP permissions. Most hosts are running PHP from different Unix user that you are when you access files via FTP. This way, if PHP writes a file, you cannot edit it via FTP, and vice-versa. Additionally, if PHP has written a file, any PHP script on the server (even that does not belong to YOU!) may also write to this file. It is true not for all hosts, but for most of them. So changes you are suggesting will cause more troubles, than help. What we will do in aMember 3, we will try to create more hooks and extension abilities to change behaviour without touching aMember core code (like you can do now in amember/site.inc.php ) We changed our plans. aMember 3 will not out this summer, and there is no new release date shedule. We decided to make this rewrite in PHP5, and market is anyway not ready for PHP5 commercial scripts, so we have time for better planning. We decided to work quick on new features to aMember 2, and aMember 2.5 (will be released soon) will be a big step. Here is what we have already implemented: 2.5.0alpha - Separate affiliate signup and login area implemented - Newsletters subscription module implemented - myVirtualCard plugin renamed to PayMonde - bug fixed - hidden custom fields now will be filled-in with default values on signup; - aMember will now automatically set session.cookie_domain so http://www.yoursite.com/amember/ will not ask you to re-login if you are logged-in at http://yoursite.com/amember/ - aMember will now automatically check if your database structure matches your upgraded aMember files; - you may now edit list of countries and states at aMember CP->Setup->Countries; - aMember is now multi-language (from member-side). Member can choose language and if choosed, it will be saved into member profile on signup. It is all configurable at aMember CP->Setup->Languages. Currently only English and Russian translations are available. - coupons statistics and search implemented - XML-RPC API implemented - online version checking implemented - smart send password implemented. You may now enable option (aMember CP -> Setup -> Advanced) and aMember will email a password change link instead of actual password; - E-Mail messages are now send using phpmailer library - it allows to use SMTP and SMTP Authentication - E-Mail customer from "User Actions Page" - BluePay plugin added; - added option to "mass subscribe" pending users; - added $config['site_title'] (aMember CP -> Setup : Site Title) to use inside emails and templates; - added confirmation when user clicks "unsubscribe" link in e-mail message;