Manual Payments and Refunds- Override Pricing

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by maximize, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. maximize

    maximize Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    After installing Amember 4.0 we are still working out some of the kinks and I'm stumped on a couple of things-

    1- I cannot refund an transaction from Amember, I have to do it manually from That isn't a problem except that I can't manually issue a refund in Amember anywhere. The only option I see is to delete an invoice and I don't want to delete payment records.

    When I select refund next to the transaction I want to refund, I get a message that looks like it will refund but then goes away. In Amember 3, I used a refund product code and manually changed the members product access and was able to manually enter a negative amount which also adjusted the commission to the affiliate. It wasn't an issue using this system before because we don't have a ton of refunds. But now when I try yo use the refund product code, I can't over ride the price. Any suggestions?

    2- I would like to manually over ride a product price on the fly per user. If I want to offer a special rate to someone, it looks like I have to create a coupon to do that. It seems like a waste of time and just one more thing to junk up my coupon area to enter a one time use coupon every time I want to give a special price to one person.

    3-Under the enter payment manually option in a subscription invoice, there is only the option to enter the receipt number. You cannot over ride the product price, enter a coupon code or anything. I may want to give someone a month free or at half price for one month in particular. It seems like I should have more control over what I want to charge individuals or if I have someone who is unhappy I would like the option to give them a month free with out messing with their product subscription.

    I also have a staff that works for me and I don't want to have to make manual adjustments in the database every time an issue like this arises. Too many hands in the database is a recipe for disaster in my opinion.

    Thanks a bunch
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    1. Automatic refunds should work for this plugin, if there is a problem please submit ticket and we will troubleshoot this.
    On refund amount paid will be corrected automatically and user will loose access.
    2. Unfortunately there is no way to do this. You should create coupons. There is no need to create special coupon for each user. Just create sets of coupons with different discounts 10%, 20%, 30% etc...
    3. Coupons are stored in invoice record, and you can't change record after it was created. If you need to apply coupon, create new invoice.
  3. maximize

    maximize Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    1. I submitted a support ticket on this.
    2. Ok - a set of coupons will work as long as they are not public. That's our control issue I see.
    3. Your suggestion is fine for customers who are new, but if we have existing customers that we've disrupted in some way (for example, with an upgrade...) and we want to offer them a reward by adjusting their account, we can't just create a new invoice. If someone is an existing recurring member for 6 months and I want to give them a free month, then pick up on month 8 with their normal membership, how do I do that?
  4. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    3. This is easy. Add manual access for one month. Then change rebill date for invoice to match access expiration date.
  5. nomaddesign

    nomaddesign Member

    Aug 25, 2005
    What is the ETA for Partial Refunds? I have a client which prorated refunds are intergral to his buisness. This is preventing us from upgradng to aMember v4.

    Is there a way to mannually edit payments?

    I see there is record in the bug tracker for fixing this feature:

    What is the status / ETA on this request?


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