How can I manually credit affiliates for referrals? A buyer of one of my products purchased directly from my home page but I know for a certainty this person was referred by an affiliate. I went into the Reports/Payments area of cp and see I can edit the payment, but there's no place to credit an affiliate in the Edit Payment/Subscription area. I also checked Affiliate commissions and Affiliate clicks area, and there aren't any fields here for making such changes either. Oh, I entered the Edit User area of the referrer and buyer too, and see nowhere in either place to link either the referrer or buyer one to the other. Thanks. Andre
Andre, I'm not sure if this is what you meant by manually, but here is one way to do it: The affiliate information is stored in the amember_members table of the database, and the field is aff_id. So one way is to edit the referred member's row in the member database and put the member_id of the referrer in that field. So if member 1435 referred member 3695, you would edit member 3695's record and put 1435 in the aff_id column. This would not get your affiliate a payment for past transactions, but it would set them up for future transactions. If you wanted to put in a payment for past transactions, the only way I know how to do it is to actually add a row to the amember_aff_commissions table and manually put in the amount information.