Currently there is an option to mass Subscribe users from one subscription to another. What i would like to do is mass delete a subscription from all users. Here is what i did. All users of Product 1 have been mass sucbscribed to Product 2. However when looking at their profile it shows them subscribed to both. Now product 1 is no longer being sold and therefore i want all records of it to be deleted from the user profile. I tried deleting the product but it says users are still subbed to it. Even thoguh i have already mass subbed them to another product. Anyways, is there any way to delete that record on a mass basis? doing it 1 by 1 is going to take forever. Amember doesn't let you delete the product, and doesn't let you mass delete the subscription of that product either. Any help would be appreciated as it is quite annoying.
I believe that this is possible with 2.30 version: see link
Mass delete users Heloo, This link is broken: I've imported users as a test, that then figure as "pending users" and now I want to mass delete them. How to do it? Thank you!
Me, too I would also like to be able to delete a subscription. I have the same issue as that described by the first post. Is there a solution?