MaxMind Fraud Scrubbing (still valid)?!

Discussion in 'Payments processing' started by lasvegasextremes, May 23, 2007.

  1. lasvegasextremes

    lasvegasextremes New Member

    May 7, 2007
    I noticed the MaxMind promo signup link is no longer working. Does this mean that the payment plugs for cc_core that use the fraud scrubbing feature can still work with MaxMind fraud checking? Or will they no longer work (when enabled) and possibly cause a risk score that is too high to approve any transactions at all?

    This question arises in case the interface to MaxMind is no longer valid (judging by the promo code link as one indicator) and might cause an error return response which of course will cause all transactions (even valid ones) to seem like their risk score is too high. Just curious


    // MaxMind Credit Card Fraud Detection
    if ($config['use_credit_card_fraud_detection'] && !$errors && !$phone_verified){
    $risk_score credit_card_fraud_detection($member$payment$vars$errors); // returns 0-10 or 99 if error
    if ($config['use_telephone_verification'] && !$phone_verified &&
    $risk_score >= $config['ccfd_risk_score'] && $risk_score <= 10){
          if (
    $risk_score $config['ccfd_risk_score']){
    $errors[] = _TPL_CC_DECLINED;
    $errors array_unique ($errors);
    // end of MaxMind Credit Card Fraud Detection
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It should work without any problems. The link has been deactivated because it was somehow published in the public forum.

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