Member groups to filter product groups

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by vsoftwaretools, May 24, 2012.

  1. vsoftwaretools

    vsoftwaretools aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 26, 2006
    We’ve migrated from aMember version 3 and have all our users imported into version 4. We also at the same time are changing credit card processors to 2Checkout. Since all our members must re-purchase the product they are currently using in the new version 4, our plan is to change the failed credit card email in the old aMember version 3 to be a message indicating the change. Then we will change the to point to the wrong URL and when a users subscription expires and a charge is attempted it fails and they get a new edited failed email message touting the wonderful changes we made to save money and be better. They will also be provided a link in the email to point to the new login page and ask them to login and select the product and enter their credit card. It sounded like a brilliant plan until we remembered we have a group of members that have products we don’t want the other group to see. When a new user visits our site they can subscribe to products 1 & 2 and we assign them group A. But we have products 2 & 3 that we created a hidden signup form to present to group B privately. For new signups this works well because we can make a standard form show no products when a logged in member clicks the “Add/New Subscription” tab. But to get members that already exist to re-purchase we need the correct member groups to see the correct product groups. So when a group A member logs into their account they can only see products 1 & 2 and when groups B member logs in they can only see 2 & 3 as an option to purchase. Is there a way to do this?
  2. vsoftwaretools

    vsoftwaretools aMember Pro Customer

    Nov 26, 2006
    I figured it out! And in case anyone else wishes to know how it’s done continue to read. First I must say version 4 is brilliantly designed and since it has lots of options and features one must just pause and read the verbiage carefully that is describing form and product selections to understand how this works. Hats off the aMember and the whole team!

    First we created a faux product we called the “Special Discount”, for sake of discussion we call this product #5 and it is $0.00 and is lifetime. For products 1 & 2 we disallow ordering if user has active product #5. For products 3 & 4 user must have active subscription to product #5.

    On the main form we added products 1,2,3,4. We created radio buttons because we only allow one of the 4 products to be ordered. This form is our default signup and members form. So for a new user since they do not have the product #5 yet they’ll only see 1&2.

    Then for our secret form that we only share the link with our special invited guest we added 2 product bricks. The first brick only has product #5. The second brick has products 3&4. Since the first brick has only one product it is selected automatically. Users can select products 3&4 from the second brick.

    Since all our users were imported from version 3 we need to subscribe our secret list to product #5. So we filtered the list of users in the browse users list and checked all and in the drop down we subscribed them all to product #5.
    Now when we perform the mass emails we can send a link to users to log in to their new location and re-subscribe and they all get the correct product list we need to guide them to.

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