Membership Add-Ons

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by managedinsight, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. managedinsight

    managedinsight New Member

    Sep 21, 2013
    Curious about doing the following.

    We want to set up a membership site, where there are two main membership types. We want a free account that gives basic forum access, and a paid account that gives more permissions. Basically access to an "upgraded" membership forum. I think we have that all up and running from a permissions perspective, however...

    We want to have membership "add-ons". These are products or courses that get sold to paid members that do the following.

    1. They would give access to another forum through the use of a usergroup addition.
    2. They would give access to various wordpress pages that have written and video based course material.
    3. In some situations, we would like to give a free 3 month "paid membership" subscription upon the purchase of certain "add-ons" that are purchased by free members.

    For instance, if a "free member" bought a training course (what we're calling add-ons), it would give them 3 free month access to the member forums along with access to the course they purchased.

    Is all this possible without doing cumbersome membership upgrades or are we asking too much?
  2. davidm1

    davidm1 aMember User & Partner

    May 16, 2006
    Sounds like you need an amember/wordpress integration along with a phpbb or other forum system.

    Upgrade- well, if they purchase product A, and you want to give them full access to the wordpress course, and 3 mos to a forum, i dont see a problem- but it will depend on the forum system you are using.
    Using the amember integration setting with phpbb3, you could set them to have say silver forum access for 3 mos.


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