I have a client that has an interest in your product that we would purchase and have you install on our server. The main interest is to have new member create an account with access to website for 24 hour period and then user account would automatically expire. I'm assuming that will work with AMember.com software? Gene Fourney InteractiveWest gene@interactivewest.com www.interactivewest.com
This is a user forum- so for the definitive answer you need to send in a support ticket. You can set a product to 1 day- this wont be 24 hours though. If you sign up on jan 1, youll get access for jan 1. not 2pm jan 1 to 2pm jan2. David
David - Thanks for your explanation of membership expiration. For your information we did email and create a support a ticket number. We did get a response back but the answer even for a techie was hard to understand. So we thought we try the user forum and yes we received an answer to our question that we could understand. Thanks for taking the time to respond to our question!