I followed directions for setting up paypal plugin etc. and tested it to see if everything would work, but I am clearly missing a step. I made the purchase fine, but the difficulty came to clicking the back to merchant button. I clicked it and it took me to a mysite.com/amember/member.php page - but it said that I had no active subscriptions. Ideally, since I have joined various memberships via amember with other merchants -- I would want paypal to redirect me to a page with details on the membership or to a page with a product download automatically. I thought that was what I was doing when I put the url address in for when I set up my first product. I'm sort of confused on how I get people to their membership info or their products. Please help.
I checked and there was an error. It seems to have been the wrong paypal email. I forgot I changed the primary. I fixed that, but is there a way to test it without me having to purchase? Also, did I have to set up a protected area for the redirect to work? Because I didn't do that yet. I wasn't sure about the directions. I made a php file for my landing page - but not really sure what else to do.
check out the PayPal sandbox....https://developer.paypal.com/devscr?cmd=_signup-run lets you run a test environment of your PayPal purchases and acts like a regular signup as far as amember is concerned.
I usually test with a 2nd paypal account and just refund after the order. Not sure what you mean? You mean a protected product? No. David
I'll try the second account. The sandbox site was complicated. Also I downloaded your checklist and am wondering if the: create content folders, CHMOD them to 777, Protect folders .htaccess steps are the ones that I am missing. Do they have anything to do with why perhaps my transaction is not fully working? I'm going to test again while I wait for your reply. Thanks
Okay I tested again and the redirect worked - yahoo! So now I'm stuck on those steps that I mentioned above. I'm not sure about this whole folder thing, how to do it, and what I should be doing. Are there any step by step directions?
I was having a similar problem, but I think I found the problem... My PayPal merchant settings were set up to put all transactions with Unconfirmed Addresses on manual approval. This was done for my eBay Store. I guess because Credit Cards that PayPal runs aren't full PayPal accounts they don't have PayPal-verified "Confirmed Addresses," and due to my settings they're set on hold until I approve them myself. Once I approved the transaction in PayPal, everything worked smoothly. The subscription now shows up in the member page, and all access permissions work.