Mixing https and http with PHP scripts protection?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by mikelinen, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. mikelinen

    mikelinen New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    I am protecting a php page using the approach described here in the Amember : http://www.amember.com/docs/Content/PHPScripts

    It works well, except once user is logged in, it launches the content page as an https page (note the s), which is causing some problems.

    Is there a way with this amember protection method to leave https active for the login process, but then use http (non secure) access for all (or some) of my content pages?

    Thanks for thoughts on this!

    PS, I saw the forum post with a similar issue: https://www.amember.com/forum/threa...ept-for-a-url-then-switch-back-to-http.16694/
    but saw no final working outcome. Is this the solution? Other simpler ways? Thanks.
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
  3. mikelinen

    mikelinen New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Thanks, but that is not my experience. The initial link is http, then at login it switches to https, and then it *stays* at https when it returns to the page after login. To confirm this, I tried just copying the http link into the browser, but got same result: it switched to https after login and stayed at https. Any other thoughts? Appreciate it!

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