I have seen on some sites where users login and then directed to another page were they select their subscription type, this I feel would be rather confusing to some. Would it be possible for someone to login directly to one page/folder instead of logging in and then being given multiple choices?
@sc0tsman: This can be controlled via the Product URL setting in your product definition. If a user is subscribed to one product (or multiple products with the same product URL), they will be redirected to the product URL of that product on login. If they are subscribed to multiple products, each with a unique product URL (or your products have no product URLs defined), they will be directed to the members.php page.
I don't fully understand, when I am testing it, when I log in it takes me to www.xxxxxxx.xxx/amember/member.php instead of www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html And then I have to click whatever subscription I paid for although everything is in one url. It just seems rather confusing and this setup at present would create confusion. All I was looking for was a simple program whareas I log in and then I am directly at the URL in question www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html, is this possible.
Is it possible for users to login and go direct to www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html or should I seek another source that can do this?
Yes, assuming they are logging in via the login.php page, set the product URL they are subscribed to www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html. 1) Create a test product with product url of www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html 2) Create a test user and just subscribe him to that test product 3) Log him in via www.xxxxxxx.xxx/amember/login.php you should be automatically redirected to www.xxxxxxx.xxx/vip/vip1.html
Thanks for your time skippy however no matter what I try it always goes to www.xxxxxxx.xxx/amember/member.php even after login.php
@sc0tsman: contact me {my username here} @ hotmail.com and I'll take a look for you and see if I can get it sorted out.
I have done exactly as you say and it works for a second then bounces to http://www.xxxxxxxxx.xxx/amember/member.php